Example of an Essay

A five paragraph structure of an essay is an essay writing foundation. It is taught at a junior high school. A five paragraph type of an essay is the main essay format along student’s academic career in all content fields that the students choose to graduate from school or continue studying at the university.

Students can become skillful in the five paragraph essay writing just through practicing. It is unfortunate that most of the students do not have practice as much as needed to master essay format. As a result, their essays are not organized and not coherent; such essays lack effective structure and essay ideas, and thus they do not present any information, interpretation, or students’ notions.

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How to Prepare a Five Paragraph Essay


The topic, that you chose or were assigned, identifies the essay’s type. There are such types of essays: explanatory, contrast/comparison, descriptive, etc.  Every type has a special content and method to present the essay; nevertheless, the structure does not change and remains basically common.


The content is organized through either an outline, or a Venn diagram, or any other graphic organizer. The points that should be made must be defined and made into sub-topics comprising the paragraphs of the essay body.

Writing the Draft

A five paragraph essay starts with an introduction, continues with body paragraphs and ends by a conclusion. More complex topics may include extra body paragraphs, but the format does not change.

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Writing a 5 Paragraph Essay Introduction

As usual, the topic and the thesis statement of the piece should be in the introduction. The thesis statement can be a point of view, a perspective, or a leading in the information that will be presented in an essay. To sum up, in this part the writer briefly overviews the paper. The reader’s attention should be grabbed right from the beginning of the essay introduction. There are numerous ways of how to accomplish it. Usage of a plain bold statement, quotation, or a short story is usually effective. It is not necessary to put the thesis statement into the first sentence. Do not forget that the goal is to interest the readers to go on reading your essay.

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Body Paragraphs of a 5 Paragraph Essay Writing

There should be one sub-topic in every body paragraph while you are at the organization phase of writing your essay. The paragraphs occur in the order that depends on the essay’s type. For instance, in a persuasive work the main argument should appear in the first body paragraph. But in case if there is a contrast, the most important otherness must be addressed first. Contrariwise in narrative and explanatory essays, all body paragraphs must be organized sequentially. Amount of body paragraphs (three or more) depends on the topic of the paper..

Every body paragraph of a 5 paragraph essay should include a topic sentence. As usual, the topic sentence is in the first sentence of a body paragraph. If you want to make your essay more interesting you can place the topic sentence elsewhere. Transitions are important too. It should be placed at the end of the chosen paragraph or at the beginning of the following paragraph. Effective transitions make the flow of your essay smooth.

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The short summary of the body paragraphs’ information should be provided in this section. The conclusion should be interesting like the introduction section. It should sum up all the points that were made earlier in the essay. The paper should impress the readers by its creativity and attractive language. If you have not had an extensive practice in a 5 paragraph essay or nobody have taught you  how to make a 5 paragraph essay PrimeWriting.net can help you. PrimeWriting.net offers custom research papers, college papers, custom papers, a report writing, an example of an essay, samples in any topic area, original and customized 5 paragraph essays, and so on! We can explain how to write a thesis, give you some essay ideas or even provide you a sample of an essay! You can buy your custom essay for a cheap price anytime online at PrimeWriting.net!

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