Our Guarantees

It gives us great delight to provide you with an excellent essay writing service. We back up our promises with a range of solid guarantees. Only a handful of our competitors offer some guarantees. When you buy essay papers from us, you can be sure that we provide only top-quality academic work, superb customer care and operate our business with integrity.

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We guarantee:

  •  Any Citation Style All source material will be cited according to the format and style you specify in the order form.
  •  Only Authentic Content We are aimed at delivering original custom papers of the highest quality only!
  •  Customized Writing Projects We always stick to the guidelines provided by our customers since we understand that everyone wants to get a unique work.
  •  Talented Writers Your papers will be produced by proficient native English speakers working for our essay writing service. Our qualified writers hold relevant degrees in different fields of study.
  •  Strict Privacy We will keep your personal details confidential. Our company never discloses customers' personal information to the third party.
  •  Transparent Pricing Policy We do not impose any hidden charges on our clients. Our pricing system is clear.
  •  Safe Payment Methods There is nothing to worry about when buying papers from us since we cooperate with reputable financial providers.
  •  Prompt Delivery You will receive your papers according to your specified deadline. Our writers always work hard to complete orders on time.
  •  Broad Variety of Topics Our experts can create remarkable papers in any field of study.

When cooperating with us, you can be sure of getting professional writing assistance and qualified support. The agents comprising our support team are competent specialists who are available 24/7 to help you at stage of our online cooperation. No matter the questions, feel free to turn to them anytime.

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At PrimeWriting.net, we do not resold our clients’ papers. If you order an essay from our agency, you become its sole owner. Full copyright is guaranteed. All your completed papers are uploaded to your account, which means you can download them anytime. They can be deleted at your request.

Refund and Revision Policy

Should you feel dissatisfied with our papers for sale, you can avail of one of the following options:

  • Free-of-charge revision. If you see that any of your requirements were not met, you can ask for a free revision within 48 hours after order deadline expiry if your paper consists of less than 20 pages. Long papers consisting of 20 pages or more can be amended for free within 30 days after deadline expiration. Please remember that original guidelines should not be changed.
  • Refund. If you think that the writer has not met your specifications when working on your paper (and even after revision you consider your paper unsatisfactory), you can apply for a refund within 2 weeks after your deadline expires. Note that plagiarism-related refund cases are not time-restricted. Do not forget to provide us with clear reasons for a refund application. Your issue will be analyzed by our Refund Department within 3-4 business days (please check our "Terms and Conditions" section for more information).

Proofreading Service

Do you want your papers to be flawless?
Use our proofreading service!

We do want our customers to succeed in studies. That is why we are aimed at providing outstanding writing services! No matter the type of your assignment, we will manage to help you handle it well.

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