Compare and Contrast Essays

Producing Superior Compare and Contrast Essays

During academic life students have to deal with numerous writing tasks. Writing activity of students include writing of term papers, research papers, different types of essays including compare and contrast essays. “What is a compare and contrast essay?” – you will ask. Compare and contrast essays are called to compare two different topics indicating their similar and different points. In order to do a piece of persuasive essay writing one should take care about the structure of essay. Writing papers and especially compare and contrast essays the writer should follow specific rules. Below you will find examples of correct essay structure:

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  • Step one: Introduction

This kind of essay should start generally, for example with a quotation or some generalization, and then slowly go down to the main thesis statement.

  • Step two: Topic 1

As we have already mentioned above, compare and contrast essays should compare two different topics, highlighting similarities and differences between them. In this paragraph it is necessary to illustrate and describe only the first topic. It may also contain more than one paragraph. Topic number two does not have to be mentioned in this part of your paper.

  • Step three: Topic 2

This paragraph has to contain information about the second topic. It may consist of more than one paragraph as well. Topic 1 cannot be discussed in this section, although it can be mentioned, since you have already given detailed information about it in the previous section. This time you should give detailed description of the second topic.

  • Step four: Comparison of Topic 1 and Topic 2

After you have analyzed two topics separately, you have to analyze them together. This section gives comparison of Topic 1 and Topic 2.

  •  Step five: Conclusion

Conclusion is the final part of your essay. Persuasive essay writing will help you to reach desired success and prove your point of view. In this part of your paper you should express deep knowledge on the topic and affirm your thesis statement once more.

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You can also use alternative method of your essay writing:

  • Introduction

This step is similar to one described in the first method. You will have to start generally, for example with a quotation or some generalization, and then slowly proceed to the main thesis statement.

  • Comparison of Topic 1 and Topic 2

This method doesn’t require separate description of two topics. For this reason you will have to give comparison of two topics indicating their similarities. You should give no less than three comparisons of both topics in three paragraphs.

  • Contrasts of Topics 1 and 2

This section should also consist no less than of three paragraphs and describe differences between two topics. In this section not less than three contrasts should also be given.

  • Conclusion

And the conclusion, just like in the previous method, should sum up all the information given in the previous three sections and restate your thesis. Writing papers for comparison and contrast you should be confident in what you write and sound a little more official than usually.

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As you can see, compare and contrast essay writing is not as easy as it may seem from the first sight. It requires thorough research and deep knowledge of the subject you are working on. It is not always possible for a student to pay attention to little details of their papers. But these details are what can lead either to success or failure.

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