The Research Paper

5 Simple Steps to Research Paper Writing

When it comes to the research paper writing, many students get confused. They ask themselves: “How do I write a research paper?”, and often cannot find where to begin. Here are 5 steps and extra tips that will help you plan your research process properly and complete you work successfully and on time.

Step 1: Choosing from a variety of research paper topics. When you are presented with a list of topics, you should start with narrowing it down to those that interest you and seem the most relevant. Then, do some general reading on each of the remaining research paper topics and see which is well developed but still with some room for a further research.

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Step 2: Now that you have chosen your topic, you actually start researching it. Take a recent book or article, read it carefully and look up all other academic works that the author quotes or mentions. For this purpose, also check its bibliography.

N.B. While reading, take notes. Be careful to put down all ideas and quotes that you find interesting or useful. Don’t forget to note the source, as it will need it for your bibliography when you complete the research paper.

Step 3: As soon as you get a clear idea of what you are going to say in your work, it’s time to write the outline of research paper. This will serve as a framework helping you organize your writing process. As you proceed, you may find some new and useful ideas and change the direction of your work a bit. Then you edit the outline as well.

Step 4: Now actually start writing. Don’t forget that the purpose of your work is to show how well you know and understand the topic of the research paper. Take your time and be careful to cite and quote the sources you use. If you use somebody else’s ideas, full sentences or parts of sentences without any reference to the author, you plagiarize. This can fail you paper, so make sure to avoid it. The only way to do it is to give citations whenever using other person’s work and put quotation marks when copying sentences word for word.

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N.B. Make sure to incorporate the quotes and citations into the text. They should not look separate or out of place. You need to have a good reason to use them, for instance, to prove you point or to show an alternative view of the discussed problem.

Step 5: When the main parts of the research paper are complete, and you are sure that there will be no major changes in your work, it’s time to write the thesis for research paper. This should clearly state what the main idea of your work is and what argument you used to prove it. This can be tricky, because it needs to be short, laconic, and yet informative.

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