Free «An Analysis of Forest Gump Film» Essay

An Analysis of Forest Gump Film

Forest Gump is one of the topmost comedy- drama films with inspirational characters released in 1994 in North America. The first scene commenced with symbolic features of a feather hovering in the sky and falling right beside Forest Gump who was sitting on a bench at a bus stop. He started sharing his story to unfamiliar people sitting beside him. The story started back at school at a tender age when he wore leg braces, which made other children harass him. However, Gump’s mother comforted him that a man`s life is not shaped by what others call him but what a man does himself. He shows the humble beginning they had with her mother. He taught a guest held by his mother a dance, which he saws him doing on the TV, although her mother restricted him from watching the performance. During the scene, Gump recalled how he met his love the first day in school. From there his live changed, became a college student, won scholarships, and joined the army.

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This scene symbolizes the way we should handle our problems encountered in life. The leg braces worn by Gump are a symbol of a humble background. The feather is a sign of good beginning, which symbolizes life as light because the wind blows and carries it to a determined destination. The manner Gump’s life changed to become part of the army is a symbol of success.

The first scene helps us to understand more about life; the feather that was hovering in the sky shows that live is worthy living without thinking about expectations or consequences. Gump’s mother advises help us to understand why we should concentrate on what we do rather than listening to voices’. We should not ignore humble beginnings and challenges we encounter. Through honesty, integrity and compassion Forest was able to show the way of true happiness.

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